Our neck of the woods has been so dreary.
The weather has been gloomy for weeks. Along with the cloudy days, my crew has had one sickness after another. I've been joking that we're running a hospital out of our home. I have missed three Sundays of church and Home Church because of my nursing duties.
Several years ago we had a run of sickness like this and it felt like it might never end.
Tonight we had planned on having a date night and by golly, we're keeping to it. Normally Friday nights are for couch bed night. This morning we told the boys couch bed is being moved to Sunday and tonight is Date Night.
We are feeding the boys frozen pizza and they are so excited. They love party pizzas. We are putting them all to bed early and then it is Date Night at the Casa. I'm thinking we'll get Tacos and bring it home. We are so addicted to that place. And the cheese dip, oh the cheese dip, come to Mama.
The next part of our date is pretty random but maybe not that random. I blame Little House. We've been stuck in the house for weeks so we've been watching our fair share of Little House On The Prairie. Ever since Ma offered Doc Baker a piece of fresh blueberry pie and a glass of milk I can't get my mind off of a fruit pie. My Mamaw taught me to brush melted butter over the top of the pie crust before I bake it and to sprinkle it with sugar. I'll promise you right now that nothing smells better than a fruit pie baking away in the oven. We've been eating healthier but shoot. Tonight I'm having pie. Pie and Tacos. Yes-sir-ee, we are bringing some sunshine up into this place.
The boys were sad about having to reschedule couch bed night. I don't know though, I think it's so good for them to see us prioritizing spending time together, especially in the midst of weeks like this when life has just been so, so hard.
Sometimes creating the beauty and the happy places can be tough, but we're creating the good even in the midst of the imperfect.
Well, my afternoon coffee is ready. I'm off to finish fluffing the house so that everything is just so so that I can enjoy my little at home date.
Don't forget to light your candles and turn on your lamps and do something nice for yourself this weekend.