Thursday, November 6, 2014

Nester's Book

I have been reading Nester's book

The result is that I unearthed my house décor.  I got to looking around and was like, "Meh.  It looks OK but I am not loving the look in the living room so much anymore."  So, all my pictures on my collage wall came down and found a new home on the dining room table.  Most of my knick knacks were tucked in around the frames on the table and for days I stared at blank walls.

If you would have peeped into my windows you would have found me on the couch staring into the great blue yon pondering the great things of life.  Things like, "Does that wall need a big, gaudy mirror because I'm thinking the answer is YES."

When I looked around the house, it felt tired and cluttered.

Aww heck no.  We can't be having no tired and cluttered house now can we?

Rearranging the goods is such a process for Shane me.  I'm a firm believer in reusing what you already have.  You'll be surprised how moving something from here to there can breathe new life into a room.

I've pieced the rooms back together and it feels like I have brand new spaces.

Try it and see for yourself.  See that New Kids on the Block poster taped to your wall?  Wouldn't it look so much snazzier over there?